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Pyr0-piezo Beta Unit Firmware Update Procedure

Utilizing the Pyr0-Piezo AVR Programming Jig

Physical Construction of the Jig

The AVR Programming jig consists of several components:

  • A PCB with USB-UART bridge (or a TTL header)
  • A second PCB with ICSP header and Diag Headers installed
  • 5MM 3D Printed Standoffs between the two boards
  • 0.65mm Diameter Pogo Pins that span the two PCB's
  • The three main body components of the jig
  • The hinge joints, and clamp
  • Hardware:
    • 4x M3 16mm Bolts
    • 5x M3 22mm Bolts

Assembly animation:

Uploading Firmware Without a Jig

Uploading firmware without a Pyr0-Piezo AVR Programming Jig requires soldering to the test pads on the bottom of the Sensor's PCB:

EasyPiezi UART Wiring

To utilize the UART's in-built auto-reset function, a 10k resistor and a small capacitor must be added to the reset wire in the configuration below:

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Obtaining the Latest Firmware

You can obtain the latest firmware release for this project HERE as a zip file with the source, as well as a pre-compiled hex file for use with certain programmers.

Firmware Upload Procedure

The firmware for this project can be updated using one of three methods: VS Code, Arduino IDE, or avrdude.

Please be sure you've already wired up your sensor's UART port or used the programmig jig described earlier in this page.

If you built your own board and are starting out with a completely factory-fresh MCU, you'll need to install a bootloader. Have a look at Uploading over ICSP for instructions on how to do that.

VS Code (Preferred Application)

Installing dependencies

  1. Install VS Code from Micosoft's official page
  2. Use the "Extensions" menu to install PlatformIO.
  3. (Optional) Install extra plugins to assist in development:
  • GitLens
  • markdownlint
  • Markdown Preview Enhanced
  • C/C++
  • C++ Intellisense
  • Python


  1. In PIO Home, open the firmware folder: ~/pyr0piezo/firmware/AVR-Source/Pyr0_Piezo_sensor_v2.x.x
  2. By default, VSCode is configured to utilize the Atmega328PB MCU. This can be changed by editing the default_envs parameter in the platformio.ini file


  1. Make any desired adjustments to default values in src/pP_config.h
  2. Click the "PlatformIO: Upload" button found in the bottom bar of the VS Code window
  3. Verify Serial connection by opening the Serial Monitor and typing CONFIG or STATE. You should get a response.

Uploading over ICSP

Using this method will install the bootloader required to upload firmware over UART

  1. Open the platformio.ini file found in the Pyr0_Piezo_sensor_v2.x.x folder
  2. Change the defailt_envs parameter to ICSP_Bootloader
default_envs = ICSP_Bootloader

Arduino IDE

  1. Install Arduino IDE from Arduino's official page
  2. Under File > Preferences > Additional Board Manager URL's, Add: -


Windows (Only)

AVRDUDESS is a GUI version of the avrdude application used for flashing firmware to AVR based MCU's, and can be found here

After installing AVRDUDESS, and opening it, follow the image below with the settings here:

  • A. Choose the COM port of your UART programmer from the pulldown menu
  • B. Ensure "Erase Flash and EEPROM" is checked
  • C. From the MCU Pulldown, select "Atmega328PB"
  • D. Set the Fuse Bits to E2, DF, F9 respectively. Leave LB blank
  • E. Click the Flash button to begin the upload process



  1. Install a bash-like terminal. Choose from a number of options: - [Windows Subsystem for Linux] - [CygWin] - [Mingw64] - [Git Bash (Comes bundled with Git for Windows)]
  2. Download the [avrdude binaries]
  3. Extract the binaries somewhere your terminal can find them


Ubuntu/Debian Distro's
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y avrdude
Fedora/RHEL/CentOS Distros
sudo yum install -y avrdude